I Don’t Want Kids

This blog post was inspired by good ole buzzfeed. I was reading this article (linked below, but copy and pasted for your reading pleasure) and just had SO many thoughts. I will preference this by saying, I do have certain kids I really do love – mostly because I really love their parents.


1. “You’ll change your mind.”

The more you tell me that I will change my mind, the more likely I am to prove to you that I am not going to change my mind. That’s just how I work.

2. “Imagine if your parents didn’t want you?”

They didn’t. But surprise, Ma and Pa! Your precious angel favorite child came anyway. But they didn’t want any kids, so HA!

^I don’t know if that’s more of a joke on me or them.

3. “There’s still time.”

Honestly, all I can do is roll my eyes. There’s also still time for me to build a flourishing business, travel the world, buy a home in Texas, adopt all the kittens, or anything else!

4. “Kids give meaning to life.”

My life has a lot of meaning without kids. I think even a lot of parents would agree that their life had meaning before children. Maybe children changed their meaning of life (and maybe some really did find their meaning with children, which is cool) – but life is most definitely not meaningless without kids.

Silence And Money

5. “Having children is the BEST decision I ever made.”

CONGRATS! Seriously, that’s amazing. And I truly don’t doubt you. But don’t push this on people who seriously don’t want children. Just because it was your best decision, does not mean it will be for other people. Parenthood is not for everyone.

6. “Don’t you want someone to carry your family lineage?”

My other siblings are taking care of that business.

7. “I didn’t know who I was until I had kids.”

You have more issues than I originally thought then.

Maybe you rediscovered yourself or whatever; however, I think it’s nice to know who you are before you have kids.

8. “Hasn’t your biological clock started ticking?”

Image result for biological clock memes

9. “You don’t have much time left, don’t wait too long!”

Thank you for the reminder that I am getting old.

10. “I wish I could sleep in, I just can’t now that I’m a parent!!!”

I do not feel bad for you.

11. “You’d be such a great parent, though!”

Pretty sure 100% of people have never said that to me. Cause let’s be honest… have you talked to me before? I have a babysitter when I babysit my nephew.

Have you heard the story of when I tried babysitting for a summer? The 12-year-old child drank vodka under my watch. Oops. Seriously, I should hit her up soon for happy hour.

Anyway, my reputation precedes me.

12. “Who is going to take care of you when you’re older?”

The nursing home. I hear some crazy, fun crap goes down there. Bingo nights? Count me in. Scrabble? Yes, please. I want to be in the most competitive nursing home. That sounds way better than your kid freaking out every time you poop on their carpet. That’s just expected at a nursing home.

Image result for nursing home memes

13. “You’re missing out on the best part of life!!!!!!”


14. “I said the same thing when I was your age, you’ll get over it.”

You’ll get over it when I push you off a bridge.

I actually really hate when people say “you’ll get over it” about anything. It makes me never ever want to get over it.

15. “Being a parent will teach you to be less selfish.”

Probably not. Once again, have you met me?

Birthday Candles

16. “I found an article that might change your mind.”

I won’t read it.

17. “The bible says women should have children.”

Image result for getting real memes

Ironic that I just used a “shit” meme as we talk about the Bible. But seriously, let’s get to business.

I have three arguments:

  • The Bible actually calls for celibacy and to remain unmarried. However, if you cannot control your sexual urges, to go ahead and get married. So Grandma, why couldn’t you control your sex drive and had to get married to avoid burning with passion, instead of being focused on God, like the Bible says?

*I’m just using grandma as a very random name, my grandma is awesome! And pretty sure she’s supportive of whatever. Although it’s been awhile since we’ve talked about that, but she has enough grand kids and great grand kids to keep up with.

  • Biblical point two – Galatians 4:27

New International Version
For it is written: “Be glad, barren woman, you who never bore a child; shout for joy and cry aloud, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.”

I”m not entirely sure what this means, as I may have taken it out of context, but still worth citing.

  • On a more personal level, do you think God would want you to bring an unwanted child into the world? If God has a child in mind for you, I’m sure he’ll find a way into your life. If you don’t want a child, maybe that’s because there are other things God wants you to devote your energy to. Forcing yourself to want kids because it feels normal or you think it’s “sinning” not to have them is not going to do your future children any favors.

I’m open to arguments, as long as you are open to a close-minded person on this topic. I do not feel like I am sinning by not having children.

18. “Being a mother is a woman’s purpose.”

A women’s purpose is whatever she wants her purpose to be. This is so twisted now, we do not live back in the 1800’s. If the woman wants to be the bread winner? Bring home all the dang bread, baby. If you want your purpose to be making sandwiches, MAKE THE MOST DELICIOUS SANDWICH IN THE WORLD. But your purpose is whatever the heck you want it to be.

Can't Have Kids

19. “Your body was biologically made for this.”

Ohhhhhhhh no freaking way?! I had no idea that the reason I flow like a red river every month was because I was biologically made for this? And I do understand there’s a reason I feel like I’m being stabbed repeatedly in the ovaries every month. You do not have to remind me of this, mother nature does every. single. month.

Image result for period memes

20. “What does your significant other think about that?”

We float in the same boat, so suck on that.

21. “You don’t want to make your partner miss out on parenthood do you?”

Does a cat count?

22. “Maybe if you’re around children more you’ll see what’s so great about having them.”

Quite the contrary, my dear. Honestly, do parents look through a rose-colored window with sound proof walls? Your kid is an actual living and breathing terror. Why in the world do you think after being around your kid, I would want one? You have actually lost your mind, but maybe that’s cause you never sleep. WHO ACTUALLY SAYS THIS?!

23. “Some people just aren’t meant to be parents, I guess.”

The first thoughtful thing you’ve said.

24. “You’ll regret it.”

Maybe, but I would rather regret not having a kid then regret having one.



25. When you meet the right person, you’ll want to have kids.

Or maybe the right person won’t want to have kids too. DING DING DING, we have a winner.

Image result for childfree meme


Actually laughed out loud at that one!^^

And I honestly don’t mind if people say this stuff to me, just be ready for a very sarcastic response back.


Link to buzzfeed article that inspired this post:


The Season of Basic

If you are offended by being called basic, this post is not for you. But honestly, you’re probably basic.

Now me personally? I love being a basic bitch (sorry mom, but that’s just what it’s called! Don’t hate me, it’s trendy). I’ll rock out basic like I’m back to being 21 in college. And a bitch? Well, I’ll let you make your own conclusion on that. But the two together? YES, slay girl slay (that’s a really basic thing to say FYI). It’s like Chuck and Blaire – meant to be together. And if you don’t know this reference, you may not be basic enough. Or you just need to go to Netflix (right MEOW) and turn on Gossip Girl. It. Will. Change. Your. Life.

I’m actually really not sure if girls get offended by being called basic (and why aren’t boys basic?? Hmm… possible next post idea). Because for me, it’s all the good things in life.

Pumpkin spice latte? You better believe I had my first one this season back in August on an 80 degree day after playing volleyball and shooting baskets (turns out, if you haven’t touched a basketball since high school, you lose your skills. Go figure. I went from breaking school records to dribbling off my toe). Nonetheless, I enjoyed every last gulp all while dripping sweat into it. It added flavor – who doesn’t like a salted PSL? To be honest, I normally force myself to wait till September, but the basicness crept up fast this year.

  • Can we side note real quick to all that hooplah about the Starbucks’ cup? And how people got offended over it being just red or really anything for that matter. Did that make anyone else want to drop a 50 pound weight on their skull? I don’t care if my pumpkin spice latte comes in a tin can that a homeless man has licked. I’m just happy this little taste of heaven is back. Honestly though, people have too much time on their hands.

Ugg boots? Okay… let’s be real, I have not forked over extreme money for some Ugg boots. However, JustFab has some seriously fab boots, and last year I spent over $200 on boots alone from there (and we wonder why I don’t have money?). I do own over 20 pair of boots. I have a very basic bitch problem.

Leggings. Do I have to say more? If you are a girl, and you don’t like leggings, you are the spawn of Satan himself. And you are not welcome into the basic bitch brigade (I’m starting a thing, who wants to join?).

Abbreviating words. Because who has time to say totally when you could say #totes (and yes, hashtags is another basic bitch problem that I proudly rock*).  I actually really do have a problem with abbreviating words, awhile ago I was talking to my boyfriend, and I said “eh, I’m neut.” He looked at my with eyes a gasp, because I just said neut instead of neutral. But go ahead, try it out. Start saying neut, you won’t be able to stop.

Apparently watching Friends is a basic thing to do. And if being basic means watching Friends on Netflix over and over again, then I don’t want to be un-basic. Because Friends is life.

You know what’s funny? There were only a few things I could come up with that I know are all top-notch basic bitch qualities. Then I had to google some, and I realized: I’m not that basic. But I am proud of the basic qualities I do rock!

So next time you are called basic, tilt your PSL, flash a smile, and say “Thanks! I know I do enjoy the finer things in life.” And then walk away knowing your butt looks great in those leggings.


*this word rock was not the word I was looking for. And I spent hours (minutes) trying to figure out the word I wanted to use. I finally realized it was emasculate! I almost posted it that way, then realized I should look up that word to make sure. In case you were wondering, here’s the definition of emasculate:

emasculate. verb (ɪˈmæskjʊˌleɪt) (tr) to remove the testicles of; castrate; geld. to deprive of vigour, effectiveness, etc.

Nope, nope, nope. Not what I was looking for. Anyone know the word I wanted? I can’t figure it out for the life of me.


A Long Time Coming

Back in 2015, I made a New Year’s Resolution to write a blog. Okay actually, I made a New Year’s Resolution to try something new each month. And one of those months was going to be me writing a blog. Needless to say, none of that happened. I’m pretty sure I made it through January and February…. classic NY’s resolutioner right here.

But why didn’t I write a blog? That seems easy enough. I wasn’t even wanting followers or to make money, I just wanted to do it to do it. Well, truth be told, I figured no one wanted to hear what I had to say. My life isn’t fascinating: I am not traveling the world, I did not birth sextuplets (okay, any kids for that matter), I am not a professional or a genius at anything. So what am I?


I’m decent at volleyball, but not a professional.

I’m an extremely fresh entrepreneur, but I certainly can’t give advice on that (it would be like the blind leading the blind).

I’m not a photographer and very far from being any type of artist.

I don’t have a product to sell or something I feel so DIE HARD about that I must tell you all about.

So wait? Does all that make me unique? Nah. Not really. Not really at all. However, it does make me real & relatable.

What does real and relatable really mean? And is relatable even a word cause it’s annoying that I have a small squiggly red underline each time I type it. Eh, I’m rolling with it. Basically, I just want to give my two cents to this world that probably (most definitely) doesn’t need two more cents. So here is some content you can expect (and not expect) in blogs to follow:

  • No Mom Crap. Excuse the harsh(?) language. But my goodness gracious, I am so sick of all the blogs, how-to’s, tips and tricks, and social media accounts dedicated to moms. Like how to burn fat while being a mom? How to make money while being a mom? How to craft a delicious mom cocktail? Ohhhhhhhh I can’t even. And what the actual crap is a mom cocktail? I don’t know, probably something incredibly strong (which in that case, count me back in). But I get it… that’s their target market (oh how I love marketing), but it’s not mine. Believe it or not, there are some of us out here who aren’t moms (and aren’t looking to become one anytime soon – if ever). Now moms, don’t be offended by this. It’s great that you are a mom! I love my mom! My best friends are moms. I just am not writing this blog catered to you, that’s all.
  • Healthy cocktail (is that an oxy moron?) creations. Because honestly, there’s just not enough info like this out there. Okay actually there is, but they are all SO boring or full of fake sugar (which is definitely not healthy), so I’m going to bridge that gap. I’m constantly asking bartenders to make me a low calorie drink – and now I am here to share some of the best!
  • A little bit of my workouts here & there – when I have a particularly good one. I use to be the girl spending an hour plus in the gym because I thought I had to for a good workout. Well now screw that, I need to get over to happy hour. So my workouts have been fast and effective.
  • The blues and beauty (does anyone say that?) of starting a new business. Yup, I quit my job (which probably gives me the time to write this blog). So now I will be sharing with you the ins and outs of this process. It’s going to be ugly and it’s going to be beautiful. I can’t wait.
  • Real life money talk. I hate that things like money are a topic that is all hush hush but everyone openly talks about sex. Why in the world is that a thing? Why can I know what position you tried out this week but not how much you earned this week? Seriously, someone (ANYONE) shed some light on this for me? Why can’t we talk about money more? It’s important, and heaven forbid you declare that you have money or that you are broke. Time for that to end. I AM BROKE, people. Phew, got that off my chest. I quit my job, I have no money, and I am making it work – and I want to share it with you.
  • Absolutely NO trying to get you to join any type of pyramid scheme or whatever you want to call it. People in the schemes will be angry that I called it that, but then again… this blog isn’t for them. Like for the love of all that is good and holy – can’t a girl get some workout tips, dinner recipes, or just a protein shake recipe without having to sell my soul? That’s dramatic, but my lanta – I do not want to join your team, I do not want to try your product for just a small fee, I do not want to be a coach, a distributor, or whatever weird thing your amazing, life changing (barf) business calls it. I am not interested.
  • However, that being said, I will be giving some product reviews of stuff I really loved and tried out. I find blogs like that incredibly helpful, and I always appreciate them. They do it just because, not because they were paid to or are trying to recruit more zombies to their tribe. Ugh, barf at the word tribe.
  • And finally, some relationshit… I mean, relationship stories. I am not married, I do have a super great boyfriend, and I have dated quite a few people. And I have some real tips and advice that I would like to share that I know you won’t listen to and you’ll continue being miserable. Don’t kid yourself, we all know it’s true. The more women I come across, the more I find that all have had that one toxic relationship. Time to share our stories and tips to save the next lady!

So, that’s what I am going to write about in a nutshell. Stay tuned till tomorrow, people, because I have 26 years of pent up feelings I am dying to release.